
2040 Hartsmere Rd, RR1
McArthurs Mills, Ontario, K0L 2M0
(613) 474-3284
Directions from Peterborough: Take Highway 28 E towards Bancroft. At the town of Bancroft, take Highway 28 East for approx. 15 minutes until you see the sign McArthurs Mills. Turn right onto Mayo Lake Rd. and drive for 5 minutes to Hartsmere Rd. Turn left on Hartsmere and travel 10 min till you reach #2040 on right hand side.
Directions from Ottawa: Take Highway 417 W from Ottawa to Renfrew (1 hour). From Renfrew, take Highway 132 W to Highway 41 S (50 min). Then take Highway 28 W towards McArthurs Mills (approximately 25 min). Turn left on Mayo Lake Rd and drive for 5 minutes to Hartsmere Rd. Turn left on Hartsmere and travel 10 min till you reach #2040 on right hand side.
Coordinates to our driveway: N45 degrees, 07.543ft, W77 degrees, 34.713 ft.